What's New in OpenBSD 4.2
OpenBSD is famous for its focus on security. Today, November 1st, the team is proud to announce Release 4.2 . Even though security is still there, this release comes with some amazing performance improvements: basic benchmarks showed PF being twice...
2009-05-13 10:32:51
OpenBSD support UTF8
i wrote a previous e-mail about use of UTF-8 on misc@. if you want to use a UTF-8 on OpenBSD,you can reference patches on some sites. (one is a kevlo's previous citrus patch, other site is a Takehiko NOZAKI 's home) http://web.archive.org/web/20040 ....
2009-05-13 10:32:51
FreeBSD的方便之处在于Ports安装模式,他可以使我们获取最新版本的应用软件并且方便的安装在我们的FreeBSD系统上,可是当我们在使用Ports方式安装时,最痛苦的莫过于它的下载速度,现在我们可以借助axel来提速Ports,实际效果非常明显。 一、安装axel 代码 # cd /usr/p...
2009-05-13 10:32:36
1. 增加arp命令,可以查看arp表了 2. 增加了echo命令,可以向远程机器发送tcp/udp的数据包了。tcp的数据包在建立会话过程中,可能存在一些问题,但是不影响路由器对于tcp包的查放,用ACL可以检出udp和tcp包。先用一段时间看看,有什么问题再改。 重写了部分ip堆栈的调...
2009-05-13 10:32:35
OpenBSD 4.2
screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style....
2009-05-13 10:32:16
FreeBSD6.2架设Discuz!6.0 BBS服务器指南
FreeBSD6.2架设Discuz!6.0 BBS服务器指南 screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; th...
2009-05-13 10:32:16
OpenBSD 4.2 诞生
Note that 4.2 has install ISO files for most architectures.They are roughly 230MB in size.If you choose to use those, please avoid also fetching the base42.tgz, and other such files, since they are included in the ISO image.If you choose to NOT use...
2009-05-13 10:31:57
FreeBSD下安装Mathematica 6.0.1
FreeBSD+ KDE下 1, 制作Mathematica CD(用nero的刻录光盘映像刻录iso文件)或下载Mathemaitca到硬盘;我用的是 edge 版的mathematica 6.0.1 for linux. 2, 接下来, 需要将 Mathematica 复制到硬盘上, 并编辑 /Unix/Installer/MathInstaller 文件,在这个文件的第一行...
2009-05-13 10:31:57
FreeBSD VPN Server Configuration (by vangeldoro)
偶很懒,是棒着本本躺在床上看FreeBSDhandbook的那种.据说这家伙比偶更懒,不想编译核心,就想配置VPN,还有比偶更懒的人,哎,有这样的懒人,我不入地狱,谁入地狱。 经过几天地狱式的生活,今天终逃出来了,本想全用英文写这片文章的,但偶水平太差啦,没办法,还是用母...
2009-05-13 10:31:57
pw是一个用来创建、删除、修改、显示用户和组的命令行工具。它还有系统用户和组文件编辑器的功能。 1.pw命令 格式: 1.1组管理 1.1.1组添加 pw [-V etcdir] groupadd [group|gid] [-C config] [-q] [-n group] [-g gid] [-M members] [-o] [-h fd | -H fd] [-N] [-P] [-Y...
2009-05-13 10:31:40
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