Foundation of the network summary

2009-05-13 14:33:50来源:未知 阅读 ()


You can use a set of activities , techniques and tools in today's network-design process.
Global Network business Model
In general , a global network business spans all geographies, encoraging close relationships with customers, clients, partners prospects suppliers and employees.
Top-down Design
when implementing new procedures and policies , it  is important that organizations embrace a new style and new set of rules for leadship and  management all the way down from the top to the botton of the organization.
Criteria for Prototype
Size of the network design
Demonstration of functionality
Customer requirement

1 Review the requirement
(1)Detetrmine the major goals
(2)outline the proof required to demoustrate that your design works
(3)determine possible problem areas that might affect your design
Step 2 Determine the extent of the prototype
(1) Determine how much of the design must be built into a prototype to be effective
(2) Indentify the tools you can use to simplity the prototype
Step 3: Understand alternative proposals
(1)work with others to indentify the products and designs in alternative proposals
(2) If information is not available, speculate on what competing proposals might use
Step 4: Develop a test plan
(1)Draw a network diagram
(2)list tools for the test
(3)List the plan scheduling, resources and milestones
(4)Prepare the demonstrations
(5)Determine how each test will prove  that the design meets the requirements
(6) determine how each test  will show that the alternative products provide an inferior solution
Step 5 Purchase and prepare equiment
(1)you must acquire and prepare some or all of the following equipment
(2) network -simulation tools
(3) protocol analyzers
(4) industry tests
(5)network hardware and software
(8)Network management tools
(9)End-system hardware and software
(10) Application servers
(11) File servers
Step 6: practice
practice you demonstration to include the necessary elements from the previous step
Step 7: Conduce final tests and demonstrations
test your configuration  using the follow tools:
(1) Cisco IOS software commands
(2)protocol analyzers
(3)Simulation tools

Step 1 : Reviewing the requirements
Having a clear goal for buliding your prototype is essential , In fact , you showld create the prototype design using the same approach you uesd to detemine requirements for the iriginal design
Begin by doing the follwing :




下一篇:kde4 ports中cmake的一些变量定义