My clean .fvwmrc for OpenBSD
2009-05-13 14:07:58来源:未知 阅读 ()
DeskTopSize 1x1
#GlobalOpts ClickToFocusDoesntPassClick
EdgeResistance 250 20
EdgeScroll 0 0
EdgeThickness 0
ClickTime 200
# make sure these fonts exist on your system:
#WindowFont -adobe-times-bold-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-*-*
#Module FvwmAuto 600 Raise Nop
WindowFont 8x13bold
IconFont 9x15bold
# for xpm icons
PixmapPath $HOME/.icons/fvwm:/usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps
#*FvwmBannerPixmap gvim.xpm
*FvwmBannerTimeout 2
# for xbm icons
MenuStyle * mwm
#MenuStyle * Foreground Black, Background #dedad5
#MenuStyle * HilightBack #4a6983
#MenuStyle * Font lucidasanstypewriter-12
MenuStyle * Font 8x13bold
#MenuStyle * MenuFace Solid #dedad5
MenuStyle * MenuFace DGradient 128 2 lightgrey 50 #5a7993 50 #dedad5
#MenuStyle * MenuFace DGradient 128 4 lightgrey 35 #5a7993 15 lightgrey \
15 #5a7993 35 lightgrey
MenuStyle * TrianglesRelief
#MenuStyle * TrianglesSolid
MenuStyle * PopupOffset 5 100
MenuStyle * PopupDelay 250
MenuStyle * PopupDelayed
MenuStyle * TitleUnderlines0
MenuStyle * Hilight3DOff
#MenuStyle * HilightBackOff
MenuStyle * ActiveFore white
MenuStyle * Animation
MenuStyle * SeparatorsLong
#MenuStyle * Greyed blue
#FVWM/MWM/WIN, Foreground, Background, Greyed,
#HilightBack/HilightBackOff, ActiveFore/ActiveForeOff,
#Hilight3DThick/Hilight3DThin/Hilight3DOff, Animation/AnimationOff,
#Font, MenuFace, PopupDelay, PopupOffset, TitleWarp/TitleWarpOff,
#DoubleClickTime, SidePic, SideColor.
# hand1
CursorStyle SELECT 58
# hand2
CursorStyle DESTROY 60
#ColormapFocus FollowsMouse
HilightColor white #5a7993
BorderStyle -- HiddenHandles
BorderStyle -- NoInset
TitleStyle LeftJustified
TitleStyle Height 16 -- flat
#TitleStyle VGradient 16 3 Red 20 Blue 30 Black 50 Grey
#ButtonStyle 1 5 20x44@4 80x44@1 80x55@0 20x55@0 20x44@1
#ButtonStyle 1 8 25x15@1 20x50@1 40x50@0 30x80@1 75x40@0 50x40@1 75x15@0 25x15@1
#ButtonStyle 1 4 50x75@1 25x25@1 75x25@1 50x75@0
#ButtonStyle 1 5 20x80@4 80x80@0 80x70@0 20x70@1 20x80@1
#ButtonStyle 1 7 20x50@4 30x30@1 50x10@1 70x30@1 80x50@0 70x80@0 40x90@0
# Big box button
ButtonStyle 4 5 20x20@4 20x80@1 80x80@0 80x20@0 20x20@1
#ButtonStyle 2 10 25x40@1 20x40@1 20x80@1 60x80@1 60x65@1 \
# 35x65@0 85x65@0 85x10@0 30x10@1 30x65@1
# dot
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