openbsd:QLogic iSCSI development woes.

2009-05-13 13:44:04来源:未知 阅读 ()


Contributed by
on Mon Apr 21 19:50:21 2008 (GMT)
from the ask-nicely-get-nothing. dept.
Update (Apr 21 2008, 21:46:30 CET):
"Coincidentally", I have just received an update from QLogic in which they emphasize their will to ship us the promised HBAs. Please pause your efforts in sending emails to QLogic for now - it seems it already has helped a lot. I will update you as soon as I hear back from them, which should be end of this week.
On misc@, Stephan A. Rickauer
this sad story:
In October 2007, I established contact with QLogic to investigate whether they could help us in making iSCSI HBAs work in OpenBSD by donating some hardware and by providing free programming documentation.
Unfortunately, QLogic has chosen to be difficult.
This means, I am forced to make this private communication public to show our user base the truth about how I and all OpenBSD people have been led along and lied to by QLogic. Now it's up to us (=you) to show that we won't put up with that.
This is the original email conversation between me and QLogic, mainly Pompey S. Nagra, product manager iSCSI HBAs:
Archive of the conversation
After you have read this page, please send an email to the following people, cite this conversation and request (politely) shipping of the promised hardware. Do not cite any developer names, QLogic very well knows who we are and where they should ship the HBAs to (but do cite my name and the link to the converstation):
Pompey S. Nagra :
David Clark:
Amit Vashi:
To continue to gain better hardware support for OpenBSD, we need to be diligent in convincing hardware manufacturers to provide documentation. This also shows that you can help the developers out by doing all this work so they can spend their time writing code instead of arguing and begging for documentation and hardware. Big thanks to Stephan for trying, let's hope we can make it work out in the end.




