Screen savers - and how to load stuff after c…

2009-05-13 13:22:14来源:未知 阅读 ()


In case you didn't know, your FreeBSD box comes with a screen saver.  Several in fact.  And you don't have to be using X-windows to get them to work.
Open your /etc/rc.conf file and search for "System console options".   In that section, you'll find the following lines:
blanktime="300" # blank time (in seconds) or "NO" to turn it off.;
saver="NO"      # screen saver:  blank/daemon/green/snake/star/NO.
Change the values to those shown and have something better than a static screen.
Yes, but it doesn't run!
Well, you've made the changes above, and you've waited.  And waited.  But still no screen saver.  OK.  It's time to share.  I was told by narvi in #freebsd on undernet that
would do what I want.  So here's the command I issued:
modload /lkm/deamon_saver.o
Do that, and your screen save of choice should be working for you!




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