Where are my Apache FrontPage extensions?

2009-05-13 13:21:20来源:未知 阅读 ()


See also
Apache topics
17 September 1998
To date, I've managed to install Apache and get it running.  No worries there.   But for some reason, the Front Page extensions are not loaded.  Strange.   I've been able to do that before.
Killing Apache
Tonight, I started Apache using the instructions I used last time:
cd /usr/local/sbin
Now I want to stop the server.  Well, that's easier said than done.  First I try the manual.  In the section
Stopping and Restarting Apache
, it contains the following example:
kill -TERM `cat /usr/local/apache/logs/httpd.pid`
Unfortunately, my installation of Apache doesn't place the .pid file in the above directory.  But the setting which dictates the location of the .pid file is contained in the httpd.conf.  But there is that?  The following command will locate your httpd.conf file:
find / file=httpd.conf | grep httpd.conf
It turns out that my installation directory was /usr/local/etc/apache.   So I open the file /usr/local/etc/apache/httpd.conf and search for .pid.   This reveals that the file I want is  /var/run/httpd.pid.
Trying the extensions again
I've decided to blindly try installing again.  Perhaps the extensions will go in this time.  So I
follow the instructions from last time
.  But first, I removed the old directory by doing a:
rm -r
Still no luck.  I give up
18 Sept: trying again
Actually, I haven't given up.  I did a search on the
mailing list archives
and found a suggestion to use the FreeBSD port of apache-fp.  So here I go.  But first, a de-install.
cd /usr/ports/www/apache-fp.131
make deinstall
cd ..
rm -r apache-fp.131
Then the install.  Following the instructions for
Compiling ports from the Internet
, I grabbed the port and compiled it.  The compile worked.  But running it did not.  It complained about the contents of httpd.conf, specifically line 27.  I checked the file.  Ahhhhh!  It's still the old one.  The deinstall didn't remove everything.  Time for some manual removals.
I did the following:
rm -r /usr/local/etc/apache
rm -r /usr/local/frontpage
Note that I installed virtual webs.  And basically answered with the default answers for all questions.  Then I restarted the apache server.
cd /usr/local/sbin
OK!  That worked.  At least it started.  Now for the browser test.   I start Netscape and browse to my FreeBSD box.  Got it!  The "Test Page for Apache Installation on Web Site".




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