OpenVPN 2.0 HOWTO-安装篇(翻译)

2009-05-13 12:37:29来源:未知 阅读 ()


OpenVPN can be downloaded here.For security, it's a good idea to check the file
signature after downloading.
The OpenVPN executable should be installed on both server and client machines, since the single executable provides both client and server functions.
Notes (using RPM package)
If you are using a Linux distribution which supports RPM packages (SuSE, Fedora, Redhat, etc.), it's best to install using this mechanism. The easiest method is to find an existing binary RPM file for your distribution. You can also build your own binary RPM file:
rpmbuild -tb openvpn-[version].tar.gzOnce you have the .rpm file, you can install it with the usual
rpm -ivh openvpn-[details].rpm
or upgrade an existing installation with
rpm -Uvh openvpn-[details].rpm
Installing OpenVPN from a binary RPM package has these dependencies:
Furthermore, if you are building your own binary RPM package, there are several additional dependencies:
See the openvpn.spec file for additional notes on building an RPM package for Red Hat Linux 9 or building with reduced dependencies.
Linux Notes (without RPM)
If you are using Debian, Gentoo, or a non-RPM-based Linux distribution, use your distro-specific packaging mechanism such as apt-get on Debian or emerge on Gentoo.
It is also possible to install OpenVPN on Linux using the universal ./configure method. First expand the .tar.gz file:
tar xfz openvpn-[version].tar.gzThen cd to the top-level directory and type:
make install
Windows Notes
OpenVPN for Windows can be installed from the self-installing exe file on the OpenVPN download page. Remember that OpenVPN will only run on Windows 2000 or later. Also note that OpenVPN must be installed and run by a user who has administrative privileges (this restriction is imposed by Windows, not OpenVPN). The restriction can be sidestepped by running OpenVPN in the background as a service, in which case even non-admin users will be able to access the VPN, once it is installed. More discussion on OpenVPN + Windows privilege issues.
OpenVPN can also be installed as a GUI on Windows, using Mathias Sundman's installation package, which will install both OpenVPN and the Windows GUI.
After you run the Windows installer, OpenVPN is ready to use and will associate itself with files having the .ovpn extension. To run OpenVPN, you can:
Right click on an OpenVPN configuration file (.ovpn) and select Start OpenVPN on this configuration file. Once running, you can use the F4 key to exit.



上一篇:OpenVPN 2.0 HOWTO-局域网互访(翻译)

下一篇:OpenVPN 2.0 HOWTO-方式和网络规划篇(翻译)