2009-05-13 11:58:34来源:未知 阅读 ()
ab -
HTTP server benchmarking tool
ab-apache http 服务器压力测试工具
[ -A auth-username ] [ -c concurrency ] [ -C cookie-name=value ] [ -d ]
[ -e csv-file ] [ -g gnuplot-file ] [ -h ] [ -H custom-header ] [ -i ]
[ -k ] [ -n requests ] [ -p POST-file ] [ -P proxy-auth-username ] [ -q
] [ -s ] [ -S ] [ -t timelimit ] [ -T content-type ] [ -v verbosity] [
-V ] [ -w ] [ -x -attributes ] [ -X proxy[] ] [ -y
-attributes ] [ -z -attributes ]
ab is a tool for
benchmarking your Apache Hypertext Transfer Protocol(HTTP) server. It
is designed to give you an impression of how your current Apache
installation performs. This especially shows you how many requests per
second your Apache installation is capable of serving.
ab是Apache超文本传输协议(HTTP)的性能测试工具。 其设计意图是描绘当前所
的Apache的执行性能, 主要是显示你安装的Apache每秒可以处理多少个请求。
-A auth-username:password
BASIC Authentication credentials to the server. The user name and
password are separated by a single : and sent on the wire base64
encoded. The string is sent regardless of whether the server needs it
(i.e., has sent an 401 authentication needed).
对服务器提供BASIC认证信任。 用户名和密码由一个:隔开,并以base64编码形式发送。 无论服务器是否需要(即, 是否发送了401认证需求代码),此字符串都会被发送。
-c concurrency
Number of multiple requests to perform at a time. Default is one request at a time.
-C cookie-name=value
Add a Cookie: line to the request. The argument is typically in the form of a name=value pair. This field is repeatable.
对请求附加一个Cookie:行。 其典型形式是name=value的一个参数对。 此参数可以重复。
-d Do not display the "percentage served within XX [ms] table".
(legacy support).
不显示"percentage served within XX [ms] table"的消息(为以前的版本提供支持)。
-e csv-file
a Comma separated value (CSV) file which contains for each percentage
(from 1% to 100%) the time (in milliseconds) it took to serve that
percentage of the requests. This is usually more useful than the
'gnuplot' file; as the results are already 'binned'.
产生一个以逗号分隔的(CSV)文件, 其中包含了处理每个相应百分比的请求所需要(从1%到100%)的相应百分比的(以毫秒为单位)时间。 由于这种格式已经“二进制化”,所以比'gnuplot'格式更有用。
-g gnuplot-file
Write all measured values out as a 'gnuplot' or TSV (Tab separate values) file. This file can easily be imported into
like Gnuplot, IDL, Mathematica, Igor or even Excel. The labels are on the first line of the file.
把所有测试结果写入一个'gnuplot'或者TSV (以Tab分隔的)文件。 此文件可以方便地导入到Gnuplot, IDL, Mathematica, Igor甚至Excel中。 其中的第一行为标题。
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IDC资讯: 主机资讯 注册资讯 托管资讯 vps资讯 网站建设
网站运营: 建站经验 策划盈利 搜索优化 网站推广 免费资源
网络编程: Asp.Net编程 Asp编程 Php编程 Xml编程 Access Mssql Mysql 其它
服务器技术: Web服务器 Ftp服务器 Mail服务器 Dns服务器 安全防护
软件技巧: 其它软件 Word Excel Powerpoint Ghost Vista QQ空间 QQ FlashGet 迅雷
网页制作: FrontPages Dreamweaver Javascript css photoshop fireworks Flash