BSD ROOTKIT 设计--内核黑客指引书(第7章)
2009-05-13 11:55:27来源:未知 阅读 ()
7.1 检测调用挂勾
7.1.1 检测系统调用挂勾
7.2 检测 DKOM
7.2.1 查找隐藏的进程
7.2.2 查找隐藏的端口
7.3 检测
7.3.1 查找嵌入函数挂勾
7.3.2 查找代码字节补丁
7.4 小结
We’ll now turn to the challenging world of
detection. In general, you can detect a rootkit in one of two ways:
either by signature or by behavior. Detecting by signature involves
scanning the operating system for a particular rootkit trait (e.g.,
inline function hooks). Detecting by behavior involves catching the
operating system in a “lie” (e.g., sockstat(1) lists two open
, but a port scan reveals three).
In this chapter, you’ll learn how
to detect the different rootkit techniques described throughout this
book. Keep in mind, however, that rootkits and rootkit detectors are in
a perpetual arms race. When one side develops a
technique, the other side develops a countermeasure. In other words, what works today may not work tomorrow.
7.1 Detecting Call Hooks
7.1 检测调用挂勾
stated in Chapter 2, call hooking is really all about redirecting
function pointers. Therefore, to detect a call hook, you simply need to
determine whether or not a function pointer still points to its
original function. For example, you can determine if the mkdir system
call has been hooked by checking its sysent structure’s sy_call member.
If it points to any function other than mkdir, you’ve got yourself a
call hook.
sy_call 成员来确认mkdir系统调用是否已经被挂勾了。如果sy_call 成员指向了不是mkdir的任何其他函数,你知道它被挂勾了。
7.1.1 Finding System Call Hooks
7.1.1 检测系统调用挂勾
7-1 is a simple program designed to find (and uninstall) system call
hooks. This program is invoked with two parameters: the name of the
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- 《操作系统原理与设计》 2009-05-13
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