Configuring crontab mail destinations with MA…
2009-05-13 11:51:32来源:未知 阅读 ()
results are emailed to the user the job is running in the context of.
One way to control where the mail is sent is by adding a “
” line to the top of the
entry for the user that is running the cron job. Here is an example:$^T pam-X(X,qrBSD爱好者乐园$ZN
$crontab -l
b2a* * * * * echo “hi”BSD爱好者乐园
BSD爱好者乐园W?{G:uA x
time this job runs, the user matty will get emailed with the results of
the script. You can also use /etc/aliases to assist with this on a
global scale, but sometimes that isn’t an option.
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