FreeBSD GNOME removable media

2009-05-13 11:35:49来源:未知 阅读 ()


How do I mount my removable media in Nautilus?
As of GNOME 2.16, FreeBSD supports
, a component from the
project. HAL provides seamless
hardware integration with modern UNIX desktop environment such as GNOME. This means
auto-mounting of hardware is as easy as starting a few daemons at boot time, and making
sure sysutils/gnome-volume-manager is installed. If you installed
x11/gnome2 you already have gnome-volume-manager installed.
The daemons that must be started prior to logging into GNOME are, dbus,
polkitd, and hald in that order. To do this, add the following to
/etc/rc.conf, and reboot:
These services are automatically started if all GNOME
features are enabled.
Note: your user account must be a member of the operator group for
automatic mounting to work. To add yourself to the operator group, execute the following
command as root:
# pw group mod operator -m
For example, to add the user marcus to the operator group, use the following
# pw group mod operator -m marcus
That's it! You should now see your USB key drives and CD-ROMs magically appear on your
desktop. However, if you are having problems with auto-mounting or HAL in general, you
should collect the following (in addition to other
  • Output of lshal
  • Output of sysctl -b kern.geom.conftxt
  • Contents of /etc/fstab
  • Output of mount
  • Full dmesg output
  • Stop hald, then run it manually using /usr/local/sbin/hald --daemon=no
    --verbose-yes and provide the output
  • If using GNOME, and a volume is not mounting properly, include the output of
    gnome-mount --block --no-ui --verbose --hal-udi  ( is the Unique Device Identifier obtained from the output of lshal for
    the device that is not mounting properly)
    You can also mount fixed storage media such as FAT or NTFS partitions (maybe you are
    dual booting) using HAL. For this to work you must must edit
    /usr/local/etc/PolicyKit/privilege.d/hal-storage-fixed-mount.privilege and add
    your username to the Allow list:
    For example, to allow the user marcus to mount fixed storage media, add the
    following to hal-storage-fixed-mount.privilege:
    Gary Dunn also provides a
    very detailed how-to
    for user-mounting SMB volumes.




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