2009-05-13 11:25:50来源:未知 阅读 ()


This guide is to describe solutions to problems installing FreeBSD onto
the Asus EeePC series of subnotebook computers. This guide was written
for FreeBSD 7.0-BETA3/i386 on an Asus EeePC model 701 (4GB SDD with
webcam), but should work with other models of the Eee and different
versions of FreeBSD.

Installation of FreeBSD onto the Eee is reasonably straightforward.
"Out of the box" most things work, but you should take the following
into account when installing.
  • It's difficult to partition the 4GB SSD into useful sizes.
    During my first install attempt, I ran out of space in my / partition
    (NOT GOOD). I ended up deciding to make the entire "disk" one
    partition. This is not necessary, but is probably a good idea.
  • You probably won't want to make a swap partition. As highly
    non-recommended as this is, it's really not a good idea to use flash
    storage for swap. It'll kill the SSD very quickly, and that you
    probably want to avoid. I can run Firefox, Thunderbird, several xterms,
    and compile ports simultaneously without running out of memory, and my
    Eee still has the stock 512MB of memory. If you feel that you need more
    memory, get more physical memory.
  • After installation, you will not have any networking, as appropriate drivers are not in the default install.  MAKE SURE YOU INSTALL AT LEAST THE KERNEL SOURCES, AS YOU WILL NEED THEM TO GET NETWORKING WORKING.
  • Obviously, the Eee does not have an optical drive. The easiest
    way to install is either to make a bootable USB key with the
    installation media on it, or get a USB CDROM drive. Usually it's
    possible to take apart a USB hard drive and attach a standard IDE CDROM
    to its controller board. The Eee does technically support netboot, so
    it might be possible to do a network install, but you'll need to build
    a custom kernel with appropriate network drivers (see the networking
    section below).
  • Remember not to try to install the amd64 port of FreeBSD.  Unlike many new laptops, the Eee does NOT have a 64-bit CPU.

Other than taking these notes into account, installation
should be reasonably standard. After installation is complete, you may
want to edit your /etc/fstab file to make /
(and any other partitions you decided to make) mount with noatime. This
will reduce the number of writes made to your SSD, and will
theoretically prolong its life.

After installation, several things will not work quite right.
Wireless Networking

The wireless card in the EeePC is an Atheros card which would normally be supported by FreeBSD's ath driver, except that the HAL in the stock driver does not support PCIe as used in the Eee.



上一篇:Accelerate! Pfsense squid running in the 1.2-rc3 (
