ports install postfix-2.3.7

2009-05-13 10:07:37来源:未知 阅读 ()


# ftp ftp://ftp.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/4.1/ports.tar.gz
#cp ports.tar.gz /usr
#cd /usr;  tar xzf ports.tar.gz
# cd /usr/ports/mail/postfix/stable/
# FLAVOR="sasl2 ldap" make package
===>  Checking files for postfix-2.3.7-sasl2-ldap
`/usr/ports/distfiles/postfix/postfix-2.3.7.tar.gz' is up to date.
>> Checksum OK for postfix/postfix-2.3.7.tar.gz. (sha1)
===>  postfix-2.3.7-sasl2-ldap depends on: pcre-* - found
===>  postfix-2.3.7-sasl2-ldap depends on: cyrus-sasl-* - found
===>  postfix-2.3.7-sasl2-ldap depends on: openldap-client-2.* - found
===>  Verifying specs: pcre sasl2 ldap.>=2 lber pcre sasl2 ldap.>=2 lber c crypto ssl c crypto ssl
===>  found pcre.1.0 sasl2.2.21 ldap.9.1 lber.9.1 c.40.3 crypto.13.0 ssl.11.0
===>  Extracting for postfix-2.3.7-sasl2-ldap
===>  Patching for postfix-2.3.7-sasl2-ldap
===>  Configuring for postfix-2.3.7-sasl2-ldap
===>  Building package for postfix-2.3.7-sasl2-ldap
Create /usr/ports/packages/i386/all/postfix-2.3.7-sasl2-ldap.tgz
Link to /usr/ports/packages/i386/ftp/postfix-2.3.7-sasl2-ldap.tgz
# pkg_add /usr/ports/packages/i386/all/postfix-2.3.7-sasl2-ldap.tgz
postfix-2.3.7-sasl2-ldap: complete                                                                          
--- postfix-2.3.7-sasl2-ldap -------------------
-> Creating /etc/mailer.conf.postfix
-> Creating Postfix spool directory and chroot area under /var/spool/postfix
    Warning: you still need to edit myorigin/mydestination/mynetworks
    parameter settings in /etc/postfix/main.cf.
    See also http://www.postfix.org/STANDARD_CONFIGURATION_README.html
    for information about dialup sites or about sites inside a
    firewalled network.
    BTW: Check your /etc/mail/aliases file and be sure to set up
    aliases that send mail for root and postmaster to a real person,
    then run /usr/local/sbin/newaliases.
| Configuration files has been installed in /etc/postfix.
| Please update these files to meet your needs.
| Postfix can be set up to replace sendmail entirely. Please read the
| documentation at file:/usr/local/share/doc/postfix/html/index.html or
| http://www.postfix.org/ carefully before you decide to do this!
| To replace sendmail with postfix you have to install a new mailer.conf



