[openbsd]punt RTM_ADD without gateway

2009-05-13 09:13:13来源:未知 阅读 ()


punt RTM_ADD without gateway
February 4, 2005 - 1:31amSubmitted by
Submitted by
on February 4, 2005 - 1:31am.

Hi there,
I'm (fairly) new to OpenBSD and have some trouble getting a (test) setup to function properly..
The system that i'm trying to get up and running concerns a 2 nic / 1 (isdn) modem setup. The modem is currently not configured in OpenBSD which is no problem for me because I want to get the nic's functioning properly first anyway.
My setup is as follows:
DSL -- [cisco] -- [OpenBSD] -- [LAN]
The cisco bridges a static public IP to the wan nic of the bsd box.
The problem I am having is that I get the following message on the bsd box:
"punt RTM_ADD without gateway"
What's strange about this is that I can ping both hosts on the internet and on the local lan without trouble, but I am unable to telnet to say a webserver on port 80 both on the internet or the local lan. When I try to do that I almost immediatly recieve a "no route to host error".
Although I activated PF on the box, i'm pretty sure thats not causing any trouble because the current settings basicly allow everything (for testing purposes only ofcourse).
I'm guessing this has something todo with my routing table.. so i'll post the output of "route show" below (i've masked the public ip adres a bit);
Routing tables
Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Mtu Interface
default 82-204-5-157.stati UGS 0 585 - xl0
x-x-x-156.stati link#2 UC 0 0 - xl0
x-x-x-157.stati 00:0d:bc:58:a1:84 UHLc 0 0 - xl0
loopback localhost UGRS 0 0 33224 lo0
localhost localhost UH 0 2 33224 lo0
192.168.204/24 link#1 UC 0 0 - sis0 00:d0:b7:b7:ed:7f UHLc 0 17 - sis0
lans01 00:d0:b7:b7:eb:93 UHLc 0 23 - sis0
wans01 00:d0:b7:b7:ed:7f UHLc 0 0 - sis0 00:50:7f:05:80:30 UHLc 0 0 - sis0
gateway localhost UGHS 0 1 33224 lo0
BASE-ADDRESS.MCAST localhost URS 0 0 33224 lo0
Destination Gateway Flags Refs Use Mtu Interface
::/104 localhost.x UGRS 0 0 - lo0
::/96 localhost.x UGRS 0 0 - lo0
localhost.burgergr localhost.x UH 0 0 33224 lo0
:: localhost.x UGRS 0 0 - lo0




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