2009-05-13 09:01:43来源:未知 阅读 ()
NFS configuration file is
/etc/exports. There are many options that you can use in your
/etc/exports file, and it is best that you read the exports(5) man
page. Assuming the network is, we have an /etc/exports that
looks like this:
CODE# NFS exports Database
# See exports(5) for more information. Be very careful, misconfiguration
# of this file can result in your filesystems being readable by the world.
/mda -alldirs -ro -network=10.0.0 -mask=
means that the local filesystem /mda will be made available via NFS.
-alldirs specifies that clients will be able to mount at any point
under the /mda mount point. -ro specifies that it will only be allowed
to be mounted read-only. The last two arguments specify that only
clients within the network using a netmask of
will be authorized to mount this filesystem. This is important for some
servers that are accessible by different networks.
portmap(8) must be running for NFS to operate. Portmap is off by default on OpenBSD 3.2 and later, so you must add the line CODEportmap=YES to rc.conf.local(8) and reboot.
Next, you should add the line CODEnfs_server=YES to /etc/rc.conf.local. This will bring up both nfsd(8) and mountd(8) when you reboot.
Beastman configuration
You should add this code to your /etc/fstab
CODE10.0.0.1:/mda /mnt nfs ro 0 0
or, if dns or /etc/hosts are configured properly,
CODEskeletor:/mda /mnt nfs ro 0 0
hope, you as an experienced user, know what to do with it? Such things
as mounting it all without reboot should be common to you - just start
the server manually with
CODE/sbin/nfsd -tun 4
echo -n >/var/db/mountdtab
And mount with
CODEmount -o ro -t nfs skeletor:/mda /mnt
To restart the server, run
CODEkill -HUP `cat /var/run/`
Run this to see stats
CODErpcinfo -p
More details at
- Freebsd oracle 10g 2009-05-13
- KDE/FreeBSD 测试 QT-4.5.1. 2009-05-13
- OpenBSD 4.5下安装Gnome 2.24成功! 2009-05-13
- OpenBSD 4.5 2009-05-13
- DragonFly BSD 2.2.1发布 2009-05-13
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