FreeBSD Made Easy
2009-05-13 08:19:28来源:未知 阅读 ()
Setting up a FreeBSD Workstation
From Zeroed to, this tutorial explains the basics of everything you need to get FreeBSD updated
and in full swing in a short amount of time.
Setting up
The basics of setting up and getting it running with a Window Manager.
Configuring FluxBox
The basics of installing FluxBox and configuring it.
Recompiling the Kernel
The Generic Kernel is compiled with a large number of modules that are probably not needed on
your system. In this tutorial the process of adding and taking modules out of the kernel to create your own customized kernel
is explained.
Updating FreeBSD with Make World
Performing a Make World updates your FreeBSD "world" to the latest version.
Keeping FreeBSD up to date with Cvsup
The ports collection is stored locally on your system so it is necessary to update it from time to time
using CVS. The source files are also updated in this same way.
Using the Ports Collection
The ports collection makes installing, upgrading, and removing software extremely simple. In this
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