PC-BSD Redistribution Agreement with Adobe sy…
2009-05-13 07:56:12来源:未知 阅读 ()

PC-BSD Announces Redistribution Agreement with Adobe Systems
iXsystems announced an agreement with Adobe Systems that will allow the next version of PC-BSD to have a Flash-enabled browser available on a default installation. The Linux version of Adobe’s popular Flash player will run on PC-BSD using FreeBSD’s Linux compatibility layer.
Having Flash player available by default on PC-BSD will allow users to view Flash content on popular sites such as YouTube, Yahoo Video, and Grouper.
"The agreement with Adobe will allow PC-BSD to have a browser with Flash working immediately after installation of the operating system. This makes great strides toward the PC-BSD project’s commitment of having an easy-to-use OS with the modern browsing experience users expect and deserve," said Matt Olander with the PC-BSD Project.
"Flash technology is the standard for developing and viewing rich internet applications. Users of PC-BSD as their day-to-day OS know that the inclusion of Adobe Flash player as a default option will enhance their user experience and expand the number of applications they can successfully run on their PCs", said Michael Lauth, CEO of iXsystems.
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