Openbsd Source Code and Ports Tree

2009-05-13 07:47:02来源:未知 阅读 ()


                Notes about the source code:
src.tar.gz contains a source archive starting at /usr/src.  This file
contains everything you need except for the kernel sources, which are
in a separate archive.  To extract:
    # mkdir -p /usr/src
    # cd /usr/src
    # tar xvfz /tmp/src.tar.gz

sys.tar.gz contains a source archive starting at /usr/src/sys.
This file contains all the kernel sources you need to rebuild kernels.
To extract:
    # mkdir -p /usr/src/sys
    # cd /usr/src
    # tar xvfz /tmp/sys.tar.gz

Both of these trees are a regular CVS checkout.  Using these trees it
is possible to get a head-start on using the anoncvs servers as
Using these files
results in a much faster initial CVS update than you could expect from
a fresh checkout of the full OpenBSD source tree.
Ports Tree
A ports tree archive is also provided.  To extract:
    # cd /usr
    # tar xvfz /tmp/ports.tar.gz
    # cd ports

The ports/ subdirectory is a checkout of the OpenBSD ports tree.  Go
read the
if you know nothing about ports
at this point.  This text is not a manual of how to use ports.
Rather, it is a set of notes meant to kickstart the user on the
OpenBSD ports system.
The ports/ directory represents a CVS (see the manpage for
cvs(1) if
you aren't familiar with CVS) checkout of our ports.  As with our complete
source tree, our ports tree is available via anoncvs.  So, in
order to keep current with it, you must make the ports/ tree
available on a read-write medium and update the tree with a command
    # cd [portsdir]/; cvs -d update -Pd -rOPENBSD_4_1

[Of course, you must replace the local directory and server name here
with the location of your ports collection and a nearby anoncvs
Note that most ports are available as packages through FTP. Updated
packages for the 4.1 release will be made available if problems arise.
If you're interested in seeing a port added, would like to help out, or just
would like to know more, the mailing list is a good
place to know.



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下一篇:Openbsd Upgrade Guide: 4.0 to 4.1