2009-05-13 04:58:15来源:未知 阅读 ()
无疑CD-ROM 是最方便快捷的一种方式了,自已可以制做OpenBSD的安装光盘来安装。下面部分是软盘镜像的安装方法。不过引导启动后,安装的过程大同小异,只要选择安装途径为CD就可以了。我第一次安装时在分区那一步卡住了,才在网上找到材料,同时供想安装OPENBSD的朋友参考一下。
erase ^?, werase ^W, kill ^U, intr ^C, status ^T
(I)nstall, (U)pgrade or (S)hell? I
选择I, 安装新系统, 如果是从原来的系统上升级则选择U, 或者你可以选择S, 在SHELL下操作, 其实当你在安装过程序中自己有某些设置错误Ctrl + c中止后, 也是回到这个SHEEL下操作的!在SHEEL下执行install就是安装系统。
Welcome to the OpenBSD/i386 3.3 install program.
This program will help you install OpenBSD in a simple and rational way. At
any prompt except password prompts you can run a shell command by typing
'!foo', or escape to a shell by typing '!'. Default answers are shown in []'s
and are selected by pressing RETURN. At any time you can exit this program by
pressing Control-C and then RETURN, but quitting during an install can leave
your system in an inconsistent state.
Specify terminal type: [vt220]
Do you wish to select a keyboard encoding table? [n] y
选择键盘类型, 一些都是US。
IS YOUR DATA BACKED UP? As with anything that modifies disk contents, this
program can cause SIGNIFICANT data loss.
It is often helpful to have the installation notes handy. For complex disk
configurations, relevant disk hardware manuals and a calculator are useful.
Proceed with install? [n] y
Cool! Let's get to it...
You will now initialize the disk(s) that OpenBSD will use. To enable all
available security features you should configure the disk(s) to allow the
creation of separate filesystems for /, /tmp, /var, /usr, and /home.
选择从哪个硬盘上安装, 我的系统只挂了一个小硬盘, 所以只一个!
Available disks are: wd0.
Which one is the root disk? (or done) [wd0] Enter
是否整个硬盘都安装OpenBSD, 是.
Do you want to use *all* of wd0 for OpenBSD? [no] yes
Treating sectors 63-6303024 as the OpenBSD portion of the disk.
You can use the 'b' command to change this.
Initial label editor (enter '?' for help at any prompt)
> ? 现在我们来进行硬盘分区, 这里打入?寻求帮助!
Available commands:
p [unit] - print label.
M - show entire OpenBSD man page for disklabel.
e - edit drive parameters.
a [part] - add new partition.
b - set OpenBSD disk boundaries.
c [part] - change partition size.
d [part] - delete partition.
D - set label to default.
g [d|b] - Use [d]isk or ios geometry.
m [part] - modify existing partition.
n [part] - set the mount point for a partition.
r - recalculate free space.
u - undo last change.
s [path] - save label to file.
w - write label to disk.
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