MySQL Cluster
2009-05-13 04:57:26来源:未知 阅读 ()
MySQL Cluster
Table of Contents
15.1. MySQL Cluster Overview
15.2. Basic MySQL Cluster Concepts
15.2.1. MySQL Cluster Nodes, Node Groups, Replicas, and Partitions
15.3. Simple Multi-Computer How-To
15.3.1. Hardware, Software, and Networking
15.3.2. Multi-Computer Installation
15.3.3. Multi-Computer Configuration
15.3.4. Initial Startup
15.3.5. Loading Sample Data and Performing Queries
15.3.6. Safe Shutdown and Restart
15.4. MySQL Cluster Configuration
15.4.1. Building MySQL Cluster from Source Code
15.4.2. Installing the Software
15.4.3. Quick Test Setup of MySQL Cluster
15.4.4. Configuration File
15.4.5. Overview of Cluster Configuration Parameters
15.4.6. Configuring Parameters for Local Checkpoints
15.5. Upgrading and Downgrading MySQL Cluster
15.5.1. Performing a Rolling Restart of the Cluster
15.5.2. Cluster Upgrade and Downgrade Compatibility
15.6. Process Management in MySQL Cluster
15.6.1. MySQL Server Process Usage for MySQL Cluster
15.6.2. ndbd, the Storage Engine Node Process
15.6.3. ndb_mgmd, the Management Server Process
15.6.4. ndb_mgm, the Management Client Process
15.6.5. Command Options for MySQL Cluster Processes
15.7. Management of MySQL Cluster
15.7.1. MySQL Cluster Startup Phases
15.7.2. Commands in the Management Client
15.7.3. Event Reports Generated in MySQL Cluster
15.7.4. Single-User Mode
15.8. On-line Backup of MySQL Cluster
15.8.1. Cluster Backup Concepts
15.8.2. Using The Management Client to Create a Backup
15.8.3. How to Restore a Cluster Backup
15.8.4. Configuration for Cluster Backup
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