16.10 我能使用BSD的精灵形象吗?
2009-05-13 04:52:27来源:未知 阅读 ()

可能,BSD精灵的形象的著作权是Marshall Kirk McKusick的。详细使用条款你可以参考他的关于使用BSD精灵形象的声明。
简要地说,你可以免费地将他作为个人使用。只要获得适当的权限。如果你想将他作为商业用途,你需要与Kirk McKusick联系。在
BSD 精灵的主页
ps 原文
16.10. Can I use the BSD daemon image?
Perhaps. The BSD daemon is copyrighted by Marshall Kirk McKusick. You will want to check his
Statement on the Use of the BSD Daemon Figure
for detailed usage terms.
In summary, you are free to use the image in a tasteful manner, for personal use, so long as appropriate credit is given. If you want to use him commercially, you must contact Kirk McKusick. More details are available on the
BSD Daemon's home page
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