16.4 我能在FreeBSD下运行DOS的二进制文件吗?
2009-05-13 04:49:26来源:未知 阅读 ()

注意:这个doscmd程序过去是FreeBSD完整一个部分,但在FreeBSD 5.3发行释放之前被删调了。
如果doscmd不能满足你的需要,增强工具emulators/pcemu模拟了8088和BIOS所有功能可以运行许多DOS文本模式的应用程序。这需要X Window System的支持。
PS 原文:
16.4. Can I run DOS binaries under FreeBSD?
Yes, you can use
, a DOS emulation program, available in the FreeBSD Ports Collection.
注意: The doscmd program used to be an integrated part of FreeBSD, but was removed before the release of FreeBSD 5.3.
If doscmd will not suffice, the add-on utility
emulates an 8088 and enough BIOS services to run many DOS text mode applications. It requires the X Window System.
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