2009-05-13 04:03:34来源:未知 阅读 ()
boot> set timeout 60
This tells OpenBSD to boot after being idle for 60 seconds, which is not an unreasonable delay when you're poking around the boot loader trying to figure out what you want to do! Now, let's look at some more useful functions than slowing your system down
Booting Single-User
boot> boot -s
# fsck -p
# mount -a
Starting the Network in Single-User Mode
# /bin/sh /etc/netstart
Other Useful Boot Commands
If you forget which kernels you have on a system, the "ls" command lists all the files in the root directory. You can list other directories on the root partition by giving a full path, i.e., "ls /etc."
The "boot" command by itself will boot the system immediately, without waiting for the five-second timeout. Similarly, the "reboot" command tells the system to do a warm boot.
The "help" command lists all available boot loader commands, including the less frequently used ones that we don't discuss here. If you want truly detailed help with the boot loader, however, you should go read the boot(8) man page.
Finally, you can combine the boot flags to achieve exactly the effects you want. To boot an old kernel in single-user mode, you would do this:
boot> boot -s /bsd.old
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