How-to: OpenBSD 3.8+Apache+PHP+MySQL

2009-05-13 03:59:44来源:未知 阅读 ()


How-to: OpenBSD 3.8+Apache+PHP+MySQL

Updated April 4, 2006

  • What this document is

  • What this document isn't

  • Installation

  • Installing PHP and MySQL

  • Setting up MySQL

  • Configuring Apache

  • Testing MySQL and PHP

  • Disabling and configuring Services

  • Starting Apache and MySQL at boot

  • References


What this document is
This document aims to be a tutorial for easily getting an OpenBSD 3.8 installation up and running with Apache+PHP+MySQL. It is a collection of various information I've found on the Internet (see
) and my own personal experiences. I will be covering installation and initial setup of the MySQL and PHP packages along with several PHP extensions. I also briefly touch on a few security topics and then how to get OpenBSD to start Apache and MySQL at boot.

What this document isn't
This document is not intended to be a tutorial on how to install OpenBSD. This has already been
more than sufficiently by the OpenBSD team and any attempt I make at duplicating it here would be redundant. This document is also not a complete reference for using
, or
. Each of these projects has its own independent documentation which I could not begin to cover here. This document is in no way a total solution to securing a system. OpenBSD comes fairly secure and has an excellent track record of security, but security is a not a destination. It is a journey. It is up to you, the person at the keyboard, to keep the system patched, up to date, and to use good judgement when making system changes.

Installing OpenBSD 3.8
The OpenBSD Team has made excellent documentation on how to do this. I don't see much point in duplicating it here. Come back here when you are done installing OpenBSD and I'll help get you set up installing the rest of the system.
OpenBSD installation instructions

Installing PHP and MySQL
The pkg_add command is the preferred method of installing software on OpenBSD systems as it will automatically find and resolve any package dependencies (and there will be some here). Packages can be removed with pkg_delete. You'll need to be root to do all of this. First, we need to setup the environment for pkg_add. The following command tells pkg_add where to look for the packages we are going to tell it to get: # export PKG_PATH=




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