2009-05-13 02:53:06来源:未知 阅读 ()
安装程序并不会检查您是否有足够的硬盘空间来放ports,所以,如果要安装 ports软件所,请先确定您有足够的硬盘空间。 FreeBSD 6.0版本 FreeBSD Ports Collection 大约占用 440 MB 大小的硬盘空间。您要为 这些版本设置大一点的值来安装它们。 User Confirmation Requested
Would you like to install the FreeBSD Ports Collection?
This will give you ready access to over 13,300 ported software packages,
at a cost of around 440 MB of disk space when "clean" and possibly much
more than that if a lot of the distribution tarballs are loaded
(unless you have the extra CDs from a FreeBSD CD/DVD distribution
available and can mount it on /cdrom, in which case this is far less
of a problem).
The Ports Collection is a very valuable resource and well worth having
on your /usr partition, so it is advisable to say Yes to this option.
For more information on the Ports Collection & the latest ports,
[ Yes ] No
选择 [ Yes ] 将会安装 Ports Collection,而选择 [ No ] 则将跳过它。 选好后按 Enter 继续。 此后, 选择安装的软件包的屏幕将再次出现。
图 2-29. 确认您要安装的软件包
如果对您的选择感到满意,请选择Exit 退出,确保[ OK ] 被高亮显示,然后按Enter 继续。
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