Access cvs server for windows via ssh protoco…
2009-05-13 01:55:40来源:未知 阅读 ()
It is easy to install a cvs server support ssh protocol on windows box.
1. download the latest cvsnt and sshd (such as openssh, copssh). Where are they? search. I use copssh as my sshd.
2. install cvsnt and copssh
3. run cvsnt and create repository.
4. activate the cvs user for copssh, the script will create passwd, home directory, etc.
5. go to the cvs user home directory, create .bashrc, and add the next line:
export PATH=$PATH:/cygdrive/the_path_of_cvsnt
tip: you can login from remote box to cvs server via ssh, then create this file. It is forbidden to create this file on windows.
6. use ssh-keygen to create public/private key pair, and add the public key to cvs user's $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys.
7. setup cvs client to support ssh
8. finished.
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