【FreeBSD Developers' Handbook】中的IPv6部分

2009-05-13 01:53:16来源:未知 阅读 ()


这是【FreeBSD Developers'' Handbook】中的第八章“IPv6 Internals”中和IPv6实现有关的内容,翻译的时候依据的是大概半年前的版本,现在又有了一些细微的改动,我会在稍后更新进来。不过手册里的这一章依旧是个半成品,看来日本人也跟我们一样,不喜欢写文档,^_^

Chapter 8 IPv6 Internals
8.1 IPv6/IPsec Implementation
由Yoshinobu Inoue投稿。
本节将讨论一些与IPv6 和IPsec 相关的实现内幕。这些功能来自KAME 项目。
8.1.1 IPv6 Conformance
与IPv6 相关的功能总是试图保持和最新的IPv6 规范的一致性。为了下面引用方便,我们把一些相关文档列在下面(注意:这不是一个完整的列表,那太难于维护了. . .)。
如果想知道进一步的细节,请参考相关文档、RFC 、manual page 或者是源代码中的注释。
一致性测试是在TAHI 项目中对KAME STABLE 套件进行的。可以在这里看到结果:

RFC1639: FTP Operation Over Big Address Records (FOOBAR)
    RFC2428 is preferred over RFC1639. FTP clients will first try RFC2428, then RFC1639 if failed.
RFC1886: DNS Extensions to support IPv6
RFC1933: Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and Routers
    IPv4 compatible address is not supported.
    automatic tunneling (described in 4.3 of this RFC) is not supported.
    gif(4) interface implements IPv[46]-over-IPv[46] tunnel in a generic way, and it covers "configured tunnel" described in the spec. See in this document for details.
RFC1981: Path MTU Discovery for IPv6
RFC2080: RIPng for IPv6
    usr.sbin/route6d support this.
RFC2292: Advanced Sockets API for IPv6
    For supported library functions/kernel APIs, see sys/netinet6/ADVAPI.
RFC2362: Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode (PIM-SM)
    RFC2362 defines packet formats for PIM-SM. draft-ietf-pim-ipv6-01.txt is written based on this.
RFC2373: IPv6 Addressing Architecture
    supports node required addresses, and conforms to the scope requirement.
RFC2374: An IPv6 Aggregatable Global Unicast Address Format
    supports 64-bit length of Interface ID.
RFC2375: IPv6 Multicast Address Assignments
    Userland applications use the well-known addresses assigned in the RFC.




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