2009-05-13 01:50:49来源:未知 阅读 ()
这是KAME项目于2005年11月8号写给 freebsd-net 邮件列表的信,通告了 KAME 的即将离去。看到这封信后,我在 KAME 的主页上也发现了一份同样的声明,
。除此之外,还有一份 WIDE 项目对此事的声明,其中包括 Bill Joy 等人对 KAME 的历史评价。
Conclusion of KAME
From: SUZUKI Shinsuke (suz_at_kame.net)
Date: 11/08/05
Date: Tue, 08 Nov 2005 08:26:08 -0800
To: freebsd-net@FreeBSD.org
(Apologize for possible duplicate messages)
Dear all,
This is an important announcement from the KAME project. I''m SUZUKI,
Shinsuke, sending this message on behalf of the project.
It is our pleasure to announce that the KAME project has achieved its
project mission, which was to establish the IPv6 platform technology
and to deploy the IPv6 technology to the industry. We have
observed that the missions of the KAME project, which were to provide
an open reference implementation of the IPv6 protocol, have been achieved
and so have decided that we can conclude the project. The KAME project will
complete its work on the IPv6 reference implementation around the end
of March 2006.
We will conclude the project and then move on to other work in related
areas through the following two activities.
(1) Complete merging the KAME''s IPv6 protocol stack into BSD operating
systems source code suite, in order for the core IPv6 protocol
stack to be maintained in each BSD community thereafter.
(2) KAME members are going to focus on the next R&D items associated
with IPv6 technology, while enhancing the collaboration and
cooperation with the WIDE project members at large and some other
related R&D organizations.
The WIDE project, along with the members of the KAME project, has
focused on some specific important areas including advanced core
functions or applications associated with IPv6 technology. In
other words, the WIDE project is going to reinforce the
IPv6-related activities, rather than just to continue our effort
on IPv6, according to the success and the conclusion of KAME
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