2009-05-13 01:36:28来源:未知 阅读 ()
启动时到recovering vi editor sessions时停止,只能ctrl+c过去
启动时到configuring syscons:blanktime时停止,只能ctrl+c过去
rm -rf /var/tmp/vi.recover
Kai Vermehr writes:
> While booting I get the message "recovering vi editor sessions" and
> the booting process is halted for a couple of minutes. I'm new to
> FreeBSD so I don't know where to look. Booting is resumed and some
> time later I get a message that sendmail is starting -- again taking a
> long time ...
> Any ideas how to fix this?
The saved sessions are (by default) in "/var/tmp/vi.recover".
If you don't need to recover the sessions, clean the directory out.
- OpenBSD 4.5 2009-05-13
- DragonFly BSD 2.2.1发布 2009-05-13
- NetBSD 5.0发布 2009-05-13
- Flash 9 for FreeBSD 7.1 2009-05-13
- FreeBSD中启用SSH 2009-05-13
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