Apache 2.0.43 / Tomcat 4.1.12 / mod_jk for So…

2009-05-13 01:30:51来源:未知 阅读 ()


First, you need a sane build environment.  In the open source world, that means GNU tools, not the tools included with a
Sun Dev cluster install.  Also make sure you've installed the Sun Solaris 8_Recommended patch cluster.
You'll also need openssl and openssh installed. I'm
assuming here that if you have a Sun server and you have root access to
it that you have some basic familiarity with system administration and
know your way around a UNIX command line.
So, bop on over to sunfreeware.com, pick your OS, and grab the following GNU tools in Sun package format:
  • autoconf
  • automake
  • binutils
  • gcc (I used version 2.95.3)
  • glib
  • gzip
  • libtool
  • make
  • tar (don't use the tar included with Solaris...make sure GNU tar is first in your path)
  • wget
  • zlib

Install all of the packages listed above. Note that
you'll need to install gzip first, as the other packages are
compressed. The gzip package is not.
Apache + Tomcat is five major steps: build/install
Apache, install JDK, build/install Tomcat, build/install a connector,
configure. Since Tomcat is 100% Java, we'll use the binary install
instead of having to deal with ant. I spend more time with Red Hat
Linux than I do with Solaris, so my preference is to put things in
/usr/local. Die-hard Solaris folks will need to substitute /opt, /var,
or whatever as needed to suit their own preferences. Paths, in this
scenario, don't have much effect as long as you can guarantee that they
are consistent.
Build/Install APACHE
  • grab Apache source from a mirror.  You want version 2.0.43. The filename is httpd-2.0.43.tar.gz.
  • unpack it
  • read INSTALL file for instructions
  • build apache with:   ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2 --enable-ssl --enable-module=so
    If you see a message that says "configuring package in srclib/apr now" and the build process seems to hang for
    several minutes, leave it alone, it will continue after a bit.
  • when configure completes, run make.
  • when make completes, run make install.
  • You should now have an Apache instance in /usr/local/apache2.  Verify config: /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl configtest
  • If you get a "Syntax OK" message, startup Apache: /usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl start
  • Verify Apache is running: http://some.server.name  You should see the Apache welcome page
    NOTE: Apache2 uses a shorthand notation for the
    group ID in httpd.conf. If you have problems getting Apache2 to start
    on Solaris 8 from a
    default install, check the Apache error log
    (/usr/local/apache2/logs/error_log) for an error message. If you see
    one that says
    something like "[alert] (22)Invalid argument: setgid: unable to set
    group id to Group 4294967295" then edit httpd.conf, and change
    the line that says "Group #-1" to "Group nobody" then start/restart



  • 上一篇:OpenBSD一些使用事项
