Cool Hack for the SparcStation(running OpenBS…
2009-05-13 01:07:53来源:未知 阅读 ()
Jason @ OS Strategies has passed on this neat-o trick for any SparcStation running OpenBSD.
In /etc/sysctl.conf set machdep.led_blink=1 and reboot the machine.
This makes the power LED blink (it actually reflects the load average: the
slower the blinking the higher the load, the higher the blinking the lower
the load!). Sort of the reverse of what you'd expect, but still a handy indicator!
This has been tested on IPX's, SS2's, SS4's, SS5's, and I believe
SS10's/SS20's as well -- so it likely works everywhere.... Try it out!
sysctl -w machdep.led_blink=1
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