KDE-4.2.3 on FreeBSD 测试
2009-05-13 00:36:46来源:未知 阅读 ()
We’re happy to announce that KDE-4.2.3 is now ready for testing.
从4.2.2 到 4.2.3 的变化:
* 482 commits made by 80 committers
* 136 bugs fixed
* 1055 file modificationsin 854 unique files
* 22 files added, 29 files deleted
关于KDE 4.3:
“The next feature release will be KDE 4.3 end of July and will most likely blow your mind. The feature freeze for KDE 4.3 has happened earlier this week and the KDE team will now stabilize this development version for another two month for you to enjoy a well-working, good looking, feature-rich and usable desktop.”
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