Go 语言开发工具 LiteIDE X36.1 发布
2019-08-29 来源:OSCHINA
Go 语言开发工具 LiteIDE X36.1 发布,在目录管理窗口中加入了文件复制/粘贴功能,修复了以 _ 开始符号查找错误,更新了 gotools & gocode。
### 2019.08.28 Ver X36.1 * LiteIDE * folder view support copy and paste * fix find usages and declinfo for _ start symbol * LiteApp * multi folder view support copy and parse * tool window support floating window action * LiteEditor * cached text layout, optimization long line paint * check and disable document too long line (4096) syntax. * GolangEdit * fix findusage and declinfo for _ start symbol * GolangPackage * add custom GOPROXY setup * update GO111MODULE env reload check * GolangDoc * remove godoc command, use gotools godoc * FileBorwser * folder view support copy and paste * Others * linux env add x-terminal-emulator * update Russian translation, thanks Sergey Belyashov * gotools & gocode * fix mod priority vendor check * gotools * godoc add go doc -all flags
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