Java 实现Huffman 编码算法
2018-07-20 来源:open-open
static class Tree { private Node root; public Node getRoot() { return root; } public void setRoot(Node root) { this.root = root; } } static class Node implements Comparable { private String chars = ""; private int frequence = 0; private Node parent; private Node leftNode; private Node rightNode; @Override public int compareTo(Node n) { return frequence - n.frequence; } public boolean isLeaf() { return chars.length() == 1; } public boolean isRoot() { return parent == null; } public boolean isLeftChild() { return parent != null && this == parent.leftNode; } public int getFrequence() { return frequence; } public void setFrequence(int frequence) { this.frequence = frequence; } public String getChars() { return chars; } public void setChars(String chars) { this.chars = chars; } public Node getParent() { return parent; } public void setParent(Node parent) { this.parent = parent; } public Node getLeftNode() { return leftNode; } public void setLeftNode(Node leftNode) { this.leftNode = leftNode; } public Node getRightNode() { return rightNode; } public void setRightNode(Node rightNode) { this.rightNode = rightNode; } } 统计方法实现如下: public static Map<Character, Integer> statistics(char[] charArray) { Map<Character, Integer> map = new HashMap<Character, Integer>(); for (char c : charArray) { Character character = new Character(c); if (map.containsKey(character)) { map.put(character, map.get(character) + 1); } else { map.put(character, 1); } } return map; } 构建树 private static Tree buildTree(Map<Character, Integer> statistics, List leafs) { Character[] keys = statistics.keySet().toArray(new Character[0]); PriorityQueue priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue(); for (Character character : keys) { Node node = new Node(); node.chars = character.toString(); node.frequence = statistics.get(character); priorityQueue.add(node); leafs.add(node); } int size = priorityQueue.size(); for (int i = 1; i <= size - 1; i++) { Node node1 = priorityQueue.poll(); Node node2 = priorityQueue.poll(); Node sumNode = new Node(); sumNode.chars = node1.chars + node2.chars; sumNode.frequence = node1.frequence + node2.frequence; sumNode.leftNode = node1; sumNode.rightNode = node2; node1.parent = sumNode; node2.parent = sumNode; priorityQueue.add(sumNode); } Tree tree = new Tree(); tree.root = priorityQueue.poll(); return tree; } 编码 public static String encode(String originalStr, Map<Character, Integer> statistics) { if (originalStr == null || originalStr.equals("")) { return ""; } char[] charArray = originalStr.toCharArray(); List leafNodes = new ArrayList(); buildTree(statistics, leafNodes); Map<Character, String> encodInfo = buildEncodingInfo(leafNodes); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (char c : charArray) { Character character = new Character(c); buffer.append(encodInfo.get(character)); } return buffer.toString(); } private static Map<Character, String> buildEncodingInfo(List leafNodes) { Map<Character, String> codewords = new HashMap<Character, String>(); for (Node leafNode : leafNodes) { Character character = new Character(leafNode.getChars().charAt(0)); String codeword = ""; Node currentNode = leafNode; do { if (currentNode.isLeftChild()) { codeword = "0" + codeword; } else { codeword = "1" + codeword; } currentNode = currentNode.parent; } while (currentNode.parent != null); codewords.put(character, codeword); } return codewords; } 解码 public static String decode(String binaryStr, Map<Character, Integer> statistics) { if (binaryStr == null || binaryStr.equals("")) { return ""; } char[] binaryCharArray = binaryStr.toCharArray(); LinkedList binaryList = new LinkedList(); int size = binaryCharArray.length; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { binaryList.addLast(new Character(binaryCharArray[i])); } List leafNodes = new ArrayList(); Tree tree = buildTree(statistics, leafNodes); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); while (binaryList.size() > 0) { Node node = tree.root; do { Character c = binaryList.removeFirst(); if (c.charValue() == '0') { node = node.leftNode; } else { node = node.rightNode; } } while (!node.isLeaf()); buffer.append(node.chars); } return buffer.toString(); } 测试以及比较 public static void main(String[] args) { String oriStr = "Huffman codes compress data very effectively: savings of 20% to 90% are typical, " + "depending on the characteristics of the data being compressed. 中华崛起"; Map<Character, Integer> statistics = statistics(oriStr.toCharArray()); String encodedBinariStr = encode(oriStr, statistics); String decodedStr = decode(encodedBinariStr, statistics); System.out.println("Original sstring: " + oriStr); System.out.println("Huffman encoed binary string: " + encodedBinariStr); System.out.println("decoded string from binariy string: " + decodedStr); System.out.println("binary string of UTF-8: " + getStringOfByte(oriStr, Charset.forName("UTF-8"))); System.out.println("binary string of UTF-16: " + getStringOfByte(oriStr, Charset.forName("UTF-16"))); System.out.println("binary string of US-ASCII: " + getStringOfByte(oriStr, Charset.forName("US-ASCII"))); System.out.println("binary string of GB2312: " + getStringOfByte(oriStr, Charset.forName("GB2312"))); } public static String getStringOfByte(String str, Charset charset) { if (str == null || str.equals("")) { return ""; } byte[] byteArray = str.getBytes(charset); int size = byteArray.length; StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { byte temp = byteArray[i]; buffer.append(getStringOfByte(temp)); } return buffer.toString(); } public static String getStringOfByte(byte b) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { byte temp = (byte) ((b >> i) & 0x1); buffer.append(String.valueOf(temp)); } return buffer.toString(); }