2018-07-20 来源:open-open
-- 查询超时记录 select * from visit_record t where t.accesstime>to_date('2013-09-1','yyyy-MM-dd') and t.username is not null and t.result='成功' and t.totaltimecost>5000 and t.clientip <> '' and t.clientip <> '' and t.clientip <> '' order by t.totaltimecost desc ; -- 导出日期范围内的日志信息(已xml格式导出为stat.xml,使用navicat工具导入进stat表) select t.username,t.accesstime,t.totaltimecost,t.accessurl from visit_record t where t.accesstime>to_date('2013-09-1','yyyy-MM-dd') and t.username is not null and t.result='成功' and t.clientip <> '' and t.clientip <> '' and t.clientip <> '' and (t.accessurl='/newOA/m_flow/navPage.do' or t.accessurl='/newOA/m_commWorkflow/submitNode_2p0.do' or t.accessurl='/newOA/user/showDaiBanxiangJsp.do' or t.accessurl='/newOA/user/showDaiBanXiangList.do' ) order by t.totaltimecost desc ; -- 统计超时率(myql库中) select t.ACCESSURL as url ,COUNT(t.ACCESSURL) as 发生次数 ,COUNT(IF(t.TOTALTIMECOST>5000,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as 超时次数 ,COUNT(IF(t.TOTALTIMECOST>5000,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null))/COUNT(t.ACCESSURL) as 超时率 ,ROUND(avg(t.TOTALTIMECOST)) as 平均耗时 ,max(t.TOTALTIMECOST) as 最大耗时 from stat t group by t.ACCESSURL order by 平均耗时 desc; -- 时间分布(异常统计) select t.ACCESSURL as url ,COUNT(IF(t.TOTALTIMECOST>5000 ,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as 超时次数 ,COUNT(IF(t.TOTALTIMECOST>5000 and time(t.ACCESSTIME) between '09:00:00' and '10:00:00' ,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as '9' ,COUNT(IF(t.TOTALTIMECOST>5000 and time(t.ACCESSTIME) between '10:00:00' and '11:00:00' ,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as '10' ,COUNT(IF(t.TOTALTIMECOST>5000 and time(t.ACCESSTIME) between '11:00:00' and '12:00:00' ,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as '11' ,COUNT(IF(t.TOTALTIMECOST>5000 and time(t.ACCESSTIME) between '12:00:00' and '13:00:00' ,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as '12' ,COUNT(IF(t.TOTALTIMECOST>5000 and time(t.ACCESSTIME) between '13:00:00' and '14:00:00' ,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as '13' ,COUNT(IF(t.TOTALTIMECOST>5000 and time(t.ACCESSTIME) between '14:00:00' and '15:00:00' ,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as '14' ,COUNT(IF(t.TOTALTIMECOST>5000 and time(t.ACCESSTIME) between '15:00:00' and '16:00:00' ,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as '15' ,COUNT(IF(t.TOTALTIMECOST>5000 and time(t.ACCESSTIME) between '16:00:00' and '17:00:00' ,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as '16' ,COUNT(IF(t.TOTALTIMECOST>5000 and time(t.ACCESSTIME) between '17:00:00' and '18:00:00' ,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as '17' from stat t group by t.ACCESSURL with ROLLUP; select t.ACCESSURL as url ,COUNT(t.ACCESSURL) as 发生次数 ,COUNT(IF( time(t.ACCESSTIME) between '09:00:00' and '10:00:00' ,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as '9' ,COUNT(IF( time(t.ACCESSTIME) between '10:00:00' and '11:00:00' ,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as '10' ,COUNT(IF( time(t.ACCESSTIME) between '11:00:00' and '12:00:00' ,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as '11' ,COUNT(IF( time(t.ACCESSTIME) between '12:00:00' and '13:00:00' ,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as '12' ,COUNT(IF( time(t.ACCESSTIME) between '13:00:00' and '14:00:00' ,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as '13' ,COUNT(IF( time(t.ACCESSTIME) between '14:00:00' and '15:00:00' ,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as '14' ,COUNT(IF( time(t.ACCESSTIME) between '15:00:00' and '16:00:00' ,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as '15' ,COUNT(IF( time(t.ACCESSTIME) between '16:00:00' and '17:00:00' ,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as '16' ,COUNT(IF( time(t.ACCESSTIME) between '17:00:00' and '18:00:00' ,t.TOTALTIMECOST,null)) as '17' from stat t group by t.ACCESSURL with ROLLUP; -- 日期分布(正常统计) select t.ACCESSURL as url ,COUNT(t.ACCESSURL) as 发生次数 ,COUNT(IF( WEEKDAY(t.ACCESSTIME)=0 ,t.ACCESSTIME,null)) as '星期1' ,COUNT(IF( WEEKDAY(t.ACCESSTIME)=1 ,t.ACCESSTIME,null)) as '星期2' ,COUNT(IF( WEEKDAY(t.ACCESSTIME)=2 ,t.ACCESSTIME,null)) as '星期3' ,COUNT(IF( WEEKDAY(t.ACCESSTIME)=3 ,t.ACCESSTIME,null)) as '星期4' ,COUNT(IF( WEEKDAY(t.ACCESSTIME)=4 ,t.ACCESSTIME,null)) as '星期5' ,COUNT(IF( WEEKDAY(t.ACCESSTIME)=5 ,t.ACCESSTIME,null)) as '星期6' ,COUNT(IF( WEEKDAY(t.ACCESSTIME)=6 ,t.ACCESSTIME,null)) as '日' from stat t group by t.ACCESSURL select t.ACCESSURL as url ,COUNT(t.ACCESSURL) as 发生次数 ,COUNT(IF( t.TOTALTIMECOST>5000 and WEEKDAY(t.ACCESSTIME)=0 ,t.ACCESSTIME,null)) as '星期1' ,COUNT(IF( t.TOTALTIMECOST>5000 and WEEKDAY(t.ACCESSTIME)=1 ,t.ACCESSTIME,null)) as '星期2' ,COUNT(IF( t.TOTALTIMECOST>5000 and WEEKDAY(t.ACCESSTIME)=2 ,t.ACCESSTIME,null)) as '星期3' ,COUNT(IF( t.TOTALTIMECOST>5000 and WEEKDAY(t.ACCESSTIME)=3 ,t.ACCESSTIME,null)) as '星期4' ,COUNT(IF( t.TOTALTIMECOST>5000 and WEEKDAY(t.ACCESSTIME)=4 ,t.ACCESSTIME,null)) as '星期5' ,COUNT(IF( t.TOTALTIMECOST>5000 and WEEKDAY(t.ACCESSTIME)=5 ,t.ACCESSTIME,null)) as '星期6' ,COUNT(IF( t.TOTALTIMECOST>5000 and WEEKDAY(t.ACCESSTIME)=6 ,t.ACCESSTIME,null)) as '日' from stat t group by t.ACCESSURL
标签: Mysql